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How Quick Dams Could Have Saved Stuart's Garage

Posted by Katy | Toolstop on 23rd Oct 2023

Discover Stuart's story of unexpected flooding and how Quick Dam flood products could have saved his garden shed and cherished belongings. Learn the importance of preparedness in the face of unforeseen disasters.

When disaster strikes, it often catches us off guard, leaving us with little time to react. Stuart, the Financial Controller at Toolstop, learned this the hard way when Storm Agnes swept through the UK in late September 2023. In an unexpected turn of events, his garden started to flood, putting his garage, shed and its contents at risk. In this blog, we share Stuart's firsthand account of how Quick Dam flood bags and barriers turned the tide against a watery menace, offering a valuable lesson in preparedness for all.

Screenshot from Stuart's testimonial showing his flooded garden

Stuart's Story:

Stuart, who works at Toolstop, was well aware of Quick Dam flood prevention products, but he never anticipated becoming a victim of flooding himself. When the storm hit, Stuart found himself facing a harsh reality. The water was encroaching on his garage, and swift action was imperative to prevent further damage.

Acting on Instinct:

Recognising the urgency of the situation, Stuart, knowing Toolstop as an authorised supplier of Quick Dam flood products, rushed to the warehouse, gathered Quick Dams, and returned home, determined to protect his garage, his shed, and their contents. However, upon his return, just an hour later, the damage had already taken its toll. His garage had been inundated, and his belongings ruined by floodwater.


"I quickly improvised with what I had to try and stop the flow of water, but now, working with Toolstop and knowing of Quick Dams, my head went quickly to obtaining the Quick Dam product."

— Stuart MacLachlan

A Costly Expense

The aftermath of the flooding left Stuart with a costly bill for repairing his shed and replacing the damaged items. The realisation that he could have prevented all of this if he had Quick Dams at home was a bitter pill to swallow.

Stuart's story underscores the importance of being prepared for unforeseen disasters like flooding. He now keeps a supply of Quick Dams at home, a lesson learned the hard way. Floods can happen to anyone, anywhere, making it vital to have the right tools readily available for protecting your property and belongings.

Stuart's Testimonial:

We also had the opportunity to sit down with Stuart for a video interview. In his own words, he shared his experience and highlighted the significance of being ready for unexpected events. His story serves as a powerful reminder that Quick Dam flood bags and barriers can make all the difference when the waters start rising.


"Moral of the story for me is having the product before the actual event."

— Stuart MacLachlan

The Importance of Being Prepared

The key to protecting your property and belongings lies in being well-prepared. Stuart's unique advantage as a Toolstop employee allowed him access to the warehouse, even during weekends when it's typically closed to the public. For anyone else, this could have meant a very different, less fortunate situation.

The best way to safeguard your property and possessions is through preparedness. Quick Dam flood bags and barriers offer a reliable and efficient solution to combat flash floods, severe storms, rising rivers, and household leaks. Don't wait until it's too late. Flooding can happen to anyone, but with the right tools, you can stay one step ahead.